Leveraging on technology tools
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Never miss this one out, especially if your business is looking into tapping new customers. Businesses are reaching out to younger and younger crowd every day to sustain and grow. With countless number of business or customer-related applications, tech tools are no longer a luxury but a necessity. Apps can help you reach out and understand your customers and at the same time keep your progress in check. So think of it as an opportunity instead of a distraction.
Pay attention to grouses
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Instead of pondering on the technicalities of a complaint, pay a little attention on how the customers feel. Use the right words to reply to their complaints and assure them that their grouses will be looked into. Most importantly, look into it.
Find a mentor for yourself
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Do something to keep a healthy mind and body so that concentration and productivity increases. By focusing on yourself and the well-being of your employees if you are the boss – in terms of maintaining good physical and mental health at work, business coaching or skills development – mentors can keep that motivation intact.
Quality matters
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This includes your goals. Quantities are important but quality and business visions carry greater weight. Resorting to cheap labour to mass produce low quality products may help with the profit but you lose trust and credibility among consumers.
Take care of your staff
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Your people matter. A lot. Showing your staff that you care helps improve their loyalty. Engaging them for opinions helps them feel valuable. They are likely to stay on at times of crises instead of bailing up on you. After all, your staff is the backbone of your company. Take good care of them and they’d take good care of your business.
Changing the game
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Everyone and everything hits a plateau at some point. Don’t settle for that sales target, campaign, objective or target market just because it worked the first few times. Always keep a backup plan or secondary target in mind. Better still, store them because you never know when you’d need to change your game plan.