Leaders and professionals have long discussed the topic of increasing productivity in the workplace. While motivations have been put in place to encourage better productivity, recent research shows it could be simpler than a complicated reward system.

For one, recent studies have found that happier people are more productive than stressful and discontent individuals. Therefore it is essential to promote happiness at work.
Further, the research found that disengaged workers are detrimental to growth as absenteeism, and high turnover rates can reduce profits. Committed workers, on the other hand, show up more often, stay longer and, generally, are more successful. The costs of ignoring the lagging productivity of employees and the underlying unsafe culture of the company are steep, as the latest study suggests.
First and for most, consider how the company is currently operating: is it flexible to make changes to react to internal and external factors? Is the company focused well in attaining its goals? The ability to prioritise short-term and long-term goals and to ensure employees work in line with the vision and mission is as crucial. Employees should be given an explicit
instruction on their deliverables such as KPIs to allow he or she to focus on those goals and perform them well.
In line with that, you would need the appropriate tools and equipment to render your workers more efficient. It is essential to provide workers with the proper tools and equipment so that they can perform their duties effectively and on time.

Technology makes a huge difference not only to the employees but also to the reputation of your business. Your team’s talents are essential to the success of your company, but the resources they use in their job often play an enormous role. Choosing the right technology would render their work easier and turn into a smooth workflow.
Delegation can backfire, but increased responsibility is critical in increasing the productivity and work satisfaction of your workers. Increasing the accountability of qualified employees by way of promotion, for instance, can give them confidence that will fuel excellent performance.
When you give employees a chance to gain leadership skills and experience in management, the organisation can prosper and give your staff a sense of achievement and purpose throughout their employment. It is impartial to set individual KPIs that are feasible, as not only it keeps the employees focused on the task, but it motivates them to be more productive.
Provide clear guidance for managers and staff to help clarify goals. This will help increase their efficiency, as they will have a clear focus and clear objectives.
Eventually, a chaotic environment will not produce results. Workers who are continuously working under very stressful conditions are shown to be less successful and to have higher levels of disengagement and absenteeism.
Showing staff how much the organisation appreciates, supports and trusts them at a personal level is gratifying — and often ignored. Encourage, inspire and award
yourself. Tell employees that they’re doing an excellent job by offering constructive criticism.
You will indicate the performance of one worker to the other employees in fostering a sense of fulfilment to inspire many. If you encourage your employees to work more and receive rewards in exchange, they’re more likely to increase productivity.
Small changes would dramatically improve the productivity and efficiency of your company. Such a system in place will encourage employees to do more quality work in a shorter period and reduce the amount of time spending on low-income generating activities.