Entrepreneur Study Tour 1 (EST1) was led by Chris Tan to the East Australian scenic trail from 13-21 Nov 2016. The team of 16 called ‘Troopers’ were preselected by Chris Tan on this “Experiential Learning” as a mentoring trip for the entrepreneurs. Chris Tan said “There’s no right or wrong, only feedback”. EST1 created a platform that attracted entrepreneurs from different fields of business to have an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and about balance in work-life situations.
Trooper Alexie Ee Von Chou (Goliath Knight Consultancy) said “From the experience with EST1, I felt to have lost fear and gained fellow comrades. A certain camaraderie that was present throughout the EST1 bond that is not available anywhere else. This truly made the trip stand out from other courses. Along the way, I have learnt many valuable teachings that would equip me to be a better entrepreneur.” Chris Tan has shared extensively on his entrepreneurial journey where he explained terms like “Complete” and “Trust” to concepts like “Law of Attraction” and “How I do anything is how I do everything”. A sequel on EST will be announced soon!
To learn more, visit EST1’s FB page at : www.facebook.com/entrepreneurstudytour1/